Digital Creative Lead - UX Strategy, Design, Interaction
Designed UX/UI concepts for a health dictionary mobile application.The idea was break the content down into four categories (Conditions, Symptoms, Medications and Procedures). Once the user picks which category they want, they can select a letter (A-Z) and then navigate through the topics beginning with that letter. Once selecting a topic, the app will display all the articles related to that topic.

For example, the user picks the letter A and then scrolls down to Asthma. Once selected you are taken to a section that gives you a definition of Asthma (What is Asthma? Example 2), and a scrollable list of articles on Asthma to choose from. Once an article is chosen it appears in the mobile devices's window (Example 3). Working with the mobile device's features you can email this article to a friend (Examples 4-5). There is also a social media widget attached to each article that lets you share the article on multiple sites (Example 6). At the bottom of the article (Example 7) there is related articles to this topic (Asthma) and also page breaks if the articles run a little long to cut down on scrolling.

If you would like to discuss this, or any other project on this site contact me directly and let's chat!